2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'top accounting schools in california'|...of the Kenel Boarding School. Other significant letters...: ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY DECEMBER 15: 1991 Fajardo..., however, give a graphic account of the murder of Sitting...

About 'top accounting schools in california'|...of the Kenel Boarding School. Other significant letters...: ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY DECEMBER 15: 1991 Fajardo..., however, give a graphic account of the murder of Sitting...

When               it               comes               to               education,               Santa               Clarita               and               San               Fernando               Valleys               are               known               for               being               home               to               exemplary               community               colleges.

Local               community               colleges               in               the               valleys               are               well               connected               and               have               great               programs               that               prepare               students               for               either               joining               the               work               force,               or               getting               further               education               via               transferring               to               universities               all               over               the               state               and               across               the               country.

There               are               plenty               of               opportunities               for               people               who               want               to               retrain               for               new               careers.

Below               are               some               top               community               colleges               in               Santa               Clarita               and               San               Fernando               Valley               communities.

College               of               the               Canyons:               26455               Rockwell               Canyon               Rd,               Santa               Clarita,               California               91355               661-259-7800
               College               of               the               Canyons               is               the               Community               college               of               choice               for               most               Santa               Clarita               Valley               residents,               as               well               as               residents               from               other               neighboring               communities               such               as               Palmdale,               Lancaster,               and               even               Los               Angeles               area               residents.

The               school               offers               most               majors               found               in               most               universities               including               Accounting,               Economics,               Nursing,               Biology,               English,               Liberal               Studies,               Journalism,               Film/Video               Production,               Theatre,               Interior               Design,               Undeclared,               and               so               much               more.

You               can               usually               get               the               courses               you               want               in               the               semester               you               want               it,               and               there               are               many               day,               evening,               online,               hybrid               (online               and               on               site),               as               well               as               weekend               classes               to               accommodate               those               who               work               or               have               other               obligations.

College               of               the               Canyons'               nursing               program               is               one               of               the               best               in               the               state;               their               nursing               program               is               partnered               with               Henry               Mayo               Newhall               Memorial               Hospital               where               students               get               hand               on               practical               knowledge               of               what               they               learn               in               theory.
               Upon               graduation               from               College               of               the               Canyons,               most               students               go               on               to               pursue               their               baccalaureate               degree               at               top               universities               including               the               University               of               California               at               Los               Angeles               (UCLA),               at               Berkley               (Cal),               University               of               Southern               California               (USC),               California               States               Universities               at               Northridge,               Los               Angeles,               Long               Beach,               as               well               as               Ivy               League               schools               and               universities               out               of               the               state.
               Price               wise,               College               of               the               Canyons               is               pretty               affordable.

The               cost               is               $20               per               unit               for               resident               students,               and               international               or               out               of               state               non               resident               students               pay               a               bit               more               (approximately               $4500               per               year               for               tuition).

Of               course               financial               aid               in               the               form               of               loans,               grants,               and               scholarships               are               available               to               those               who               qualify.

Talk               to               an               adviser               in               the               Financial               Aid               office.

There               are               paid               and               unpaid               internship               opportunities               available.
               Another               great               thing               about               College               of               the               Canyons               is               that               it               has               branches               and               extensions               at               several               community               locations               throughout               the               valley.

There               is               the               Canyon               Country               Campus               that               offers               various               classes               both               online,               weekend,               hybrid,               and               evening               just               like               the               main               campus.

They               also               have               locations               at               local               libraries.
               There               is               also               community               and               continuing               education               opportunities,               which               allow               people               of               all               ages               to               freshen               up               a               skill,               take               new               and               interesting               classes               for               fun,               for               wellness,               or               for               whatever.

ESL               classes               are               also               offered               to               learners               of               English               at               little               or               no               charge.
               You               can               find               more               information               at               www.canyons.edu.,               or               call               the               number               above.
               Los               Angeles               Mission               College               13356               Eldridge               Avenue,               Sylmar,               California               91342               818-364-7600www.lamission.edu
               Just               like               College               of               the               Canyons,               Mission               College               also               has               great               academic               and               community               programs.

It               is               closers               to               residents               of               San               Fernando               Valley               and               nearby               communities.

Students               have               options               of               majors               including               Addiction               Studies,               African               American               Studies,               Food               Service               Management,               Finance,               Chicano               Studies,               Law/Paralegal               Studies,               health               Science,               and               so               much               more.

I               like               this               school               for               its               diversity               of               majors               and               programs,               which               is               appropriate               for               its               diverse               community.

They               have               Community               Extensions,               which               are               classes               that               local               residents               and               others               can               take               often               during               the               summer               to               get               ahead,               have               fun               or               just               learn.
               Tuition               is               also               $20               per               unit,               and               more               for               international               and               out               of               state               students.

Financial               aid               is               available               to               those               that               qualify.

High               School               students               can               also               take               classes               here               fore               free.
               Most               students               go               on               to               universities               like               UCLA,               USC,               Cal               State               Northridge,               and               other               top               universities               to               earn               advanced               degrees.
               Pierce               College               6201               Winnetka               Avenue,               Woodland               Hills,               California               91371               818-719-6401www.piercecollege.edu
               Pierce               College               is               another               great               local               community               college               with               myriad               of               opportunities.

Programs               include               Computer               Science,               business               Administration,               Child               Development,               Architecture,               Speech               Communications,               and               much               more.

There's               Pierce               Extension,               online               programs,               and               many               opportunities               for               people               to               get               ahead               and               improve               themselves.
               Tuition               is               also               $20               per               unit,               and               out               of               state               and               international               students               pay               more.

Financial               aid               is               available               on               need-based,               qualification               basis.
               Local               university               like               UCLA,               USC,               the               California               States               Universities,               as               well               as               schools               out               of               state               are               often               places               where               graduates               of               Pierce               go               to               continue               their               education.

Contact               the               school               at               the               above               address               or               phone               number               for               more               information.

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