2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'financial information systems course'|... he was able to break into Matt’s system, albeit somewhat superficially." "Yeah, that’s right... if I could come by." "Of course you can. You’re always welcome here. Don’t you...

About 'financial information systems course'|... he was able to break into Matt’s system, albeit somewhat superficially." "Yeah, that’s right... if I could come by." "Of course you can. You’re always welcome here. Don’t you...

Laramie               County               Community               College               (also               known               as               LCCC)               has               their               main               campus               in               Cheyenne,               Wyoming.

Laramie               County               Community               College               (LCCC)               has               students               not               only               from               Cheyenne,               Wyoming,               but               from               other               parts               of               the               world.

Here's               the               rundown               on               LCCC,               or               Laramie               County               Community               College               of               Cheyenne,               Wyoming.

Programs               and               Degrees               Offered
               This               institution               of               higher               learning               currently               offers               scores               of               Associate               Degree               Programs,               according               to               their               2007-2008               catalog.

The               programs               for               the               Associate               of               Applied               Science               degrees               include               Nursing,               Radiography,               and               Computer               Information               Systems.

For               the               Associate               of               Arts               degree               programs,               Anthropology,               History,               and               Psychology               make               up               some               of               the               offerings.

For               the               Associate               of               Science               degrees,               Engineering,               Chemistry,               and               Biology               (where               several               Preprofessional               Options               are               available               like               Premedicine               and               Prepharmacy).
               According               to               LCCC's               Spring               Semester               2008               class               schedule               booklet,               this               college               in               Cheyenne,               Wyoming               offers               21               Associate               Degree               and               Certificate               programs               that               can               be               totally               completed               via               the               internet               (called               Distributed               Learning               at               the               college's               website),               including               those               for               Accounting               and               Homeland               Security.
               LCCC               also               offers               numerous               Certificates               of               Completion               for               such               programs               like               Automotive               Body               Repair,               Diesel               Technology,               Paramedics,               and               Computer               Information               Systems.
               The               6               Step               Process               To               Becoming               A               Student
               One               becomes               a               student               at               Laramie               County               Community               College,               which               is               based               in               Cheyenne,               Wyoming,               via               a               six               step               process.

First,               students               who               are               first-timers               or               coming               back               after               a               hiatus               can               apply               for               admission               online               or               in               person               and               then               pay               a               one-time               $20               application               fee               to               the               Admissions               Office.

Second,               Academic               Skills               Assessments               are               in               order               for               those               who               don't               meet               the               college's               exemptions               rules               (such               as               those               who               hold               degrees               or               who               have               scored               at               certain               levels               on               their               ACT               tests,               etc.).

Next,               the               advising               process               is               mandatory               for               new               students               before               they               can               officially               register               for               classes,               but               is               also               encouraged               for               students               continuing               their               studies.

Fourth,               the               registration               for               classes               process               takes               place               at               either               the               Student               Records               Office               or               online.
               As               for               tuition,               here's               a               general               rundown               (Prices               quoted               include               tuition               and               student               fees               but               don't               include               the               price               of               lab               fees,               books,               and               other               fees               associated               with               attending               college):
               Residents               of               Wyoming               (Full-time:               12+               Credit               Hours/Semester):               $1,044               
               Residents               of               Wyoming               (Non               Full-time:               Less               than               12               Credit               Hours/Semester:               $87               per               Credit               Hour/Semester
               Out-of-State               Students               (Full-time:               12+               Credit               Hours/Semester):               $2,532               
               Out-of-State               Students               (Non               Full-time:               Less               than               12               Credit               Hours/Semester:               $211               per               Credit               Hour/Semester
               Western               Undergraduate               Exchange               Students:               (Full-time:               12+               Credit               Hours/Semester):               $1,416               
               Western               Undergraduate               Exchange               Students:               (Non               Full-time:               Less               than               12               Credit               Hours/Semester:               $118               per               Credit               Hour/Semester
               Those               aged               65               and               over               can               enroll               for               just               $10               per               credit               hour               but               need               to               pay               the               other               costs               associated               with               college               such               as               lab               and               book               fees,               etc.
               Lastly,               students               need               to               go               to               the               LCCC               bookstore.

This               store               not               only               sells               books               and               other               course               materials,               but               also               LCCC-themed               items               like               clothing               and               pennants.

The               store               accepts               Visa               and               MasterCard               for               payment,               and               advises               students               to               buy               books               as               early               as               possible;               this               way,               they               may               get               the               limited               used               ones               cheaper.

At               the               end               of               each               semester,               a               book               buy               back               takes               place.
               For               more               specific               information,               it's               best               to               go               to               the               website               of               Laramie               County               Community               College               (listed               below               in               the               "Resources"               box)               and/or               review               their               literature.

The               school's               Financial               Aid               Office               will               also               advise               those               interested               in               attending               about               the               student               loan,               grant,               and               college               scholarship               offers.
               The               Ludden               Library
               The               college               library               at               Laramie               County               Community               College               contains               a               vast               collection               of               over               58,000               books               and               audio-visual               items               plus               other               educational               materials               like               full               text               journal               articles               from               electronic               magazine               indexes               to               serve               college               students.

Their               online               catalog               can               access               more               than               1.4               million               holdings               via               Wyoming's               other               libraries.

The               library               contains               many               internet               accessible               computers               that               are               available               on               a               first               come,               first               serve               basis,               and               laptops               that               can               be               checked               out.

This               library               in               Cheyenne,               Wyoming               has               undergone               a               major               renovation               which               features               new               study               rooms.
               Student               Activities
               A               Physical               Education               Complex               at               Laramie               County               Community               College               offers               students               many               opportunities               including               swimming,               treadmills,               a               wall               for               climbing,               volleyball,               and               basketball.

The               Student               Activities               Board               (SAB)               sponsors               many               activities               throughout               the               semester               for               students,               including               dances,               free               dining               socials,               free               or               reduced               trips               (such               as               skiing               or               Colorado               Rockies               baseball               outings),               and               Family               Fun               Nights.

Students               can               participate               in               the               Associated               Student               Government,               too.
               Laramie               County               Community               College               competes               and               offers               scholarships               in               the               following               sports:               Mens'               Basketball,               Women's               Volleyball,               Rodeo,               Equestrian               Showing,               Cheerleading,               and               Soccer               for               both               genders.
               Student               Housing
               LCCC               does               provide               student               housing               via               three               residence               halls               that               are               on               the               campus               grounds               in               Cheyenne,               Wyoming.

Students               need               to               be               single.

A               commons               area               connects               the               dorms,               and               features               a               computer               lab,               kitchen,               recreation               area,               a               place               to               do               laundry,               and               more!

The               residence               halls               are               a               short               walk               to               the               classrooms.
               Student               Assistance               Programs
               Laramie               County               Community               College               offers               assistance               to               students               via               a               variety               of               programs,               including               free               tutoring               and               paper               reviews;               the               Disability               Resource               Center               (for               students               with               documented               disabilities);               SAGE               TRiO               (for               low               income,               first               generation               college               students);               and               a               Counseling               and               Advising               Center               for               students               who               are               having               a               hard               time               in               and               out               of               college.
               For               the               upcoming               Spring               Semester,               classes               begin               on               January               9,               2008               at               the               Cheyenne,               Wyoming               campus.
               LCCC               also               has               a               satellite               campus               in               Laramie,               Wyoming               and               outreach               centers               in               Pine               Bluffs,               Wyoming               and               at               Warren               Air               Force               Base               in               Cheyenne.

Check               their               website               in               the               "Resources"               box               for               details.
               Contact               Laramie               County               Community               College:               1400               E.

College               Drive,               Cheyenne,               Wyoming               82007.


Website               is               in               the               "Resources"               box.

Fees               and               Degrees/Certificates               listed               are               subject               to               change.

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