레이블이 CPA Schools in California인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 CPA Schools in California인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'accounting schools in california'|...among these students — “72 percent of Blacks in California don’t graduate from high school; in Baltimore it’s 76 percent; 65 percent of Hawai’ians and native...

About 'accounting schools in california'|...among these students — “72 percent of Blacks in California don’t graduate from high school; in Baltimore it’s 76 percent; 65 percent of Hawai’ians and native...

A               recent               book               claims               that               Adam               Lambert               lost               Season               8               of               American               Idol               by               a               landslide.

The               writer               claimed               the               source               for               the               information               was               an               unnamed               American               Idol               insider.

Why               does               American               Idol               continue               to               spin               that               tale               when               the               truth               is               obvious?

Adam               Lambert               is               more               popular               and               talented               than               the               winner.

Adam               Lambert               is               conjuring               up               love               and               admiration               from               millions               across               the               globe.

He               has               now               sold               5.4               million               units               combining               album               and               single               sales.

His               recent               birthday               had               Twitter               buzzing               while               parties               were               held               in               his               honor               on               every               continent.

He               was               able               to               raise               over               $270,000               for               Charity:               Water               and,               in               addition,               his               birthday               benefited               ongoing               projects               with               Donors               Choose,               a               charity               that               donates               much               needed               supplies               for               public               schools.
               Lambert               announced               at               his               birthday               party               that               he               would               release               a               new               version               of               his               anthem               Aftermath               to               benefit               The               Trevor               Project,               a               group               that               helps               LGBT               teens               with               positive               reinforcement               and               an               anti               bullying               message.

Lambert               also               supports               "1               in               10"               a               charity               for               gay               youth.

Lambert               is               a               rare               combination               of               exceptional               talent               with               the               ability               to               garner               the               love               that               motivates               his               fans               to               support               worthy               causes.
               We               are               now               in               Season               10               of               American               Idol,               the               most               popular               show               on               American               television.

Many               people               are               asking               can               American               idol               find               another               Adam               Lambert?

From               the               early               elimination               rounds               we               can               see               that               American               Idol               found               an               array               of               talented               young               vocalist.

Finding               someone               with               the               potential               to               become               an               international               star               is               a               more               difficult               challenge.

Even               with               the               tens               of               thousands               who               auditioned               in               the               ten               years               of               the               Idol               run               with               the               exception               of               one               man,               American               Idol               has               failed               to               find               an               artist               capable               of               worldwide               success               and               lasting               fame.
               That               person               is               Adam               Lambert.

Lambert               is               not               only               an               awe-inspiring               entertainer               he               is               a               force               for               good               in               this               troubled               world.

American               Idol               should               be               proud               of               him.

American               Idol               continues               to               ignores               the               magnitude               of               Lambert's               growing               popularity               and               success               because               of               the               Season               8               vote               scandal.

Pretending               the               vote               was               fair               has               been               a               bad               PR               decision.
               My               message               to               American               idol:               I               have               done               your               marketing               research               for               you.

You               can               not               hide               from               the               truth.

Your               failure               to               acknowledge               your               most               important               discovery               has               a               lot               of               people               doubting               the               credibility               of               the               show.
               We               know               that               you               took               no               part               in               the               Arkansas               vote               scam               so               why               continue               to               pretend               that               Allen               deserved               to               win               rather               than               embracing               Lambert?

My               extensive               research               clears               the               show               of               any               complicity.

Even               AT&T               is               exonerated               because               their               rogue               agent               is               no               longer               in               their               employ.

American               Idol               looks               foolish               around               the               world               for               not               fully               embracing               the               best               entertainer               of               this               generation,               especially               when               American               Idol               gave               him               the               platform               that               launched               his               career.
               My               research               of               fan               site               data               analysis               includes               last               seasons               winner               and               runner               up               and               the               top               album               sellers               from               all               nine               years.

Adam               Lambert               has               by               far               the               highest               fan               traffic,               out               Googles               everyone               internationally               and               has               more               Twitter               followers               than               any               other               American               Idol               or               runner               up.

*               If               you               narrow               the               Google               search               to               the               US               Carrie               Underwood               trends               higher.
               The               demographic               indicate               that               the               most               prolific               fan               base               of               American               Idol               alumnus               are               middle               aged               women               with               the               exception               of               David               Archuleta's               fans               and               Adam               Lambert's               international               fans.

The               winners               are               chosen               by               women               around               40               not               by               power               texting               teens.

What               we               learn               by               looking               at               all               the               fan               sites               is               that               Adam               Lambert               has               more               than               twice               as               much               fan               traffic               then               the               nearest               competitor.

Lambert               has               more               than               13               times               more               fan               activity               than               Kris               Allen               for               instance.
               Anyone               can               check               my               figures               by               going               to               Quantcast               and               inserting               the               web               address               of               the               respective               fan               site               to               verify               my               data.

Quantcast               is               a               reliable               source               used               by               businesses               throughout               the               world.

All               of               the               Idols               have               additional               unofficial               fan               sites.

Even               though               Lambert               has               many               more               fans               trafficking               to               his               official               sight               than               all               of               the               others               he               also               have               has               the               most               unofficial               sites               in               the               US               and               around               the               globe.

Please               do               not               argue               that               your               Idol               has               more               fans               at               an               unofficial               site               and               that               is               why               their               numbers               are               low               at               their               official               site.

Lambert               would               top               unofficial               traffic               as               well               as               official               traffic               by               a               landslide.
               Tracking               Unique               Monthly               Visitors               to               Official               Fan               Sites.
               Lee               DeWyze               -               www.leedewyzeofficial.com               DeWyze               does               not               have               enough               data               to               track.

This               means               that               the               monthly               visitor               number               must               be               below               4,000               because               I               have               tracked               websites               with               numbers               that               low.

DeWyze               is               29th               in               American               Idol               alumni               album               sales               and               his               Live               It               Up               has               sold               112,000               copies.

DeWyze               took               the               title               of               the               lowest               selling               American               Idol               winner               from               Kris               Allen.

In               his               defense               DeWyze               did               not               have               Adam               Lambert's               coattail               to               ride               on.

Twitter               followers:               62,368
               Crystal               Bowersox               -               www.crystalbowersox.com               This               site               has               17,799               monthly               unique               visitors.

Bowersox               does               not               have               demographic               information               available.

Bowersox               ranks               27th               in               Idol               alumni               sales               and               has               sold               137,000               copies               of               Farmer's               Daughter.

Twitter               followers:               31,729
               Kris               Allen               -               www.krisallenofficial.com               This               site               has               13,199               monthly               unique               visitors               -               68%               or               8,915               are               in               the               US.

62%               of               the               visitors               are               females               and               53%               are               over               35.

His               demographic               is               female,               middle               aged               and               Caucasian               according               to               Quantcast.

Allen               is               more               popular               in               Little               Rock               Arkansas               than               in               any               other               city               in               the               US.

Allen               has               some               regional               interest               and               tracks               over               1,000               unique               visitors               in               the               US,               Philippines               and               Canada               where               American               Idol               is               very               popular.

Allen               has               very               little               interest               anywhere               else               in               the               world.

Kris               Allen               is               20th               in               album               sales               with               his               self-titled               album,               Kris               Allen,               selling               324,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               237,975
               Adam               Lambert               -               www.adamofficial.com               This               site               has               180,000               monthly               unique               visitors.

63%               or               about               114,000               are               in               the               US.

60%               are               female               and               54%               are               over               35.

Lambert's               Demographic               is               described               as               female,               middle               aged               with               more               diversity               including               Asians,               Hispanics               and               African               Americans.

When               Quantcast               describes               something               as               "over               indexed"               it               means               that               the               site               attracts               a               more               concentrated               group               of               a               particular               demographic               group               than               in               the               general               Internet               population.

Here               are               some               of               the               countries               where               Lambert               is               drawing               interest               with               over               1,000               monthly               visitors.

The               United               States,               Canada,               United               Kingdom,               Germany,               Australia,               Sweden,               Japan,               Finland,               Singapore,               Philippines,               Netherlands,               Malaysia,               Brazil,               New               Zealand,               China,               Russian               Federation,               South               Africa,               Mexico,               Denmark,               Romania,               Italy,               Hungary,               Indonesia,               Portugal               and               Saudi               Arabia               are               all               countries               where               Lambert               is               tracking               thousands               of               visitors               a               month.

Lambert               is               most               popular               in               the               state               of               California               and               cities               around               the               world               including               LA,               London,               Toronto               and               Singapore.

Lambert               is               currently               12th               in               album               sales               with               792,000               albums               sold               in               the               US.

Keep               in               mind               that               Lambert               has               many               more               international               fans               than               the               other               Idol               alumni.

According               to               Lambert's               publishing               company,               Kobalt,               Lambert               has               in               excess               of               1.2               million               For               Your               Entertainment               albums               sold               when               including               international               sales.

No               other               American               Idol               has               ever               had               the               worldwide               Gold               and               Platinum               certifications               that               Lambert               has               in               11               countries.

Twitter               followers:               855,266
               David               Cook               -               www.davidcookofficial.comThis               site               has               28,469               monthly               unique               visitors.

22,226               are               in               the               US               or               about               78%.

Like               Kris               Allen               there               are               only               over               1,000               unique               monthly               visitors               from               three               countries,               the               US,               Philippines               and               Canada.

65%               of               Cook's               fans               are               female               which               is               5%               more               than               Lambert's               and               3%               more               than               Allen's.

57%               of               Cook's               visitors               are               over               35.

This               is               again               a               higher               demographic               than               Allen               and               Lambert.

Cook's               is               the               most               popular               in               Englewood,               CO               out               of               all               US               cities.

Cook's               demographic               is               female,               middle               aged               and               Caucasian.

Cook               is               7th               in               album               sales               with               his               sole               album               David               Cook               selling               1,345,000               albums.

Twitter               followers:               172,038
               David               Archuleta               -www.davidarchuleta.comThis               site               has               20,282               monthly               unique               visitors               of               which               52%               or               roughly               10,515               are               from               the               US.

Archuleta'               visitors               are               61%               female               and               43%               over               35.

Archuleta               has               the               youngest               fan               base               of               the               winners               and               runner-ups               from               the               last               three               years.

Keep               in               mind               that               the               number               is               a               percentage               and               because               Lambert               has               so               many               more               fans               he               has               more               young               fans               than               all               of               the               others               combined.

Archuleta               draws               over               1,000               monthly               unique               visitors               from               the               US,               Philippines,               Canada,               Indonesia,               and               Mexico.

Archuleta               is               the               most               popular               in               the               US               in               Salt               Lake               City,               UT.

His               demographic               is               described               as               female,               teen               and               Hispanic.

David               Archuleta               is               10th               in               album               sales               with               a               total               of               1,073,000               albums               sold.

Archuleta's               latest,               The               Other               Side               of               Down,               released               in               2010               has               only               sold               63,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               570,152
               Chris               Daughtry               -               www.daughtryofficial.comThis               site               has               45,091               monthly               unique               visitors               of               which               30,676               or               68%               are               from               the               US.

Of               these               visitors               61%               are               female               and               60%               are               over               35.

Daughtry               has               the               oldest               demographic               of               any               of               the               other               recent               Idols.

Daughtry               tracks               over               1,000               monthly               visitors               from               the               US,               Canada,               United               Kingdom               and               Germany.

His               top               US               city               is               Indianapolis,               IN.

His               demographic               is               described               as               female,               middle               aged               and               Caucasian.

Chris               Daughtry               is               3rd               in               album               sales               with               a               total               of               6,025,000               sales.

Daughtry               has               released               two               albums               that               are               both               platinum.

His               latest,               Leave               This               Town,               sold               1,237,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               227,232
               Carrie               Underwood               -               www.carrieunderwoodofficial.comThis               site               has               84,800               monthly               unique               visitors               of               which               about               68,000               or               roughly               80%               are               from               the               US.

63%               are               female               and               59%               are               over               35.

Underwood               tracks               over               1,000               unique               monthly               visitors               from               the               US,               Canada,               United               Kingdom,               Australia,               Philippines               and               Germany.

Underwood's               top               US               city               is               Huston,               Texas.

Her               demographic               is               described               as               Female,               middle               aged               and               Caucasian.

Carrie               tops               all               alumni               album               sales               with               12,195,000               albums               sold.

All               three               of               he               albums               are               platinum.

He               latest,               Play               On,               has               sold               1,942,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               3,682
               Jordin               Sparks               -               www.jordinsparks.com               This               site               has               11,325               unique               monthly               visitors               of               which               6,447,               57%               of               which               are               from               are               the               US.

53%               of               Sparks'               visitors               are               female               and               53%               are               over               35.

Sparks               has               over               1,000               visitors               from               three               countries,               the               US,               Canada               and               the               United               Kingdom.

Sparks               top               city               in               the               US               is               NY               City,               NY.

Her               demographics               are               described               as               female,               middle               aged               with               a               high               index               of               African               Americans               and               Hispanics.

Sparks               is               9th               in               album               sales               with               a               total               of               1,216               in               album               sales.

Her               latest,               Battlefield,               released               in               2009               sold               a               total               of               177,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               757,022
               Jennifer               Hudson               -               www.jenniferhudson.com               50,380               monthly               visitors               of               which38,228               or               roughly               75%               are               from               the               US.

61%               are               female               and               60%               are               over               35.

Hudson               tracks               over               1,000               monthly               visitors               from               the               US,               Canada,               United               Kingdom               and               Germany.

Hudson's               top               US               city               is               Chicago               IL.

Her               demographics               are               described               as               female               middle               aged               with               a               high               index               of               African               Americans               accounting               for               30%               of               the               visits.

Jennifer               Hudson               has               released               1               album               and               is               in               11th               place               for               alumni               album               sales.

The               album               titled               Jennifer               Hudson               sold               825,000               copies.

Hudson               has               a               new               album               titled               I               Remember               Me               due               out               in               March               of               2011.

Twitter               followers:               89,967
               Fantasia               -               www.fantasiaofficial.com               There               is               not               enough               fan               activity               to               accurately               track.

Fantasia               is               5th               in               album               sales               and               has               sold               2,722,               000               albums.

Her               latest               released               in               2010,               Back               To               Me               sold               399,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               59,445
               Kellie               Pickler               -               www.kelliepickler.com               This               site               has               8,992               unique               monthly               visitors.There               is               no               indication               of               any               international               following.

%3%               are               female               and               58%               are               over               35.

(0%               of               the               visitors               are               Caucasian.

Pickler               is               8th               in               alumni               album               sales               with               a               total               of               1,294,000               albums               sold.

Her               latest,               Kellie               Pickler,               released               in               2008               sold               440,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               313,251
               Kelly               Clarkson               has               numerous               websites               but               none               where               I               could               accurately               track               data.

If               anyone               has               better               luck               then               I               did               please               let               me               know.

This               is               more               of               a               site               problem               than               an               indication               of               a               lack               of               fan               interest.

Clarkson               is               second               in               sales               only               to               Carrie               Underwood.

Clarkson               has               sold               10,628,000               albums.

Her               last               All               I               Ever               Wanted               released               in               2009               has               sold               close               to               a               million               copies               at               908,000.

Twitter               followers:               518,682
               Clay               Aiken               -               www.clayaiken.com               This               site               reaches               6,102               unique               monthly               US               visitors               of               which               69%               are               female               and               69%areover               35.

Clay               Aiken               is               4th               in               album               sales               at               4,960,000               among               American               Idol               alumni.

Each               album               released               had               diminishing               sales               with               the               latest               Tried               and               True               released               in               2010               only               sold               63,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               4,587
               Rubin               Studdard               -               www.rubenstuddard.com               There               is               not               enough               data               to               provide               accurate               information.

Studdard               is               6th               in               alumni               album               sales,               with               2,562,000               albumssold               but               again               his               sales               are               diminishing.

Love               Is               released               in               2009               sold               50,000               copies.

Twitter               followers:               15,396
               Just               for               reference               I               looked               at               a               few               other               official               fan               sites:
               Lady               GaGa               -               LadyGaGa.com               There               are               75,900               unique               monthly               visitors               to               this               site               of               which               50%               are               male               and               50%               female.

37%               are               over               35.

72%are               Caucasian               and               18%               are               Hispanic.

The               global               statistics               are               not               available.

Twitter               followers:               8,044,191
               Katy               Perry               -               www.katyperry.com               There               are               93,000               unique               monthly               visitors               to               this               site               of               which               50%               are               male               and               50%               female.

46%               are               over               35               and               82%               are               Caucasian.

The               global               statistics               are               not               available.

Twitter               followers:               5,639,706
               Justin               Bieber               -               www.justinbiebermusic.com               There               are               58,660               unique               monthly               visitors               to               this               site               of               which               53%               are               female               and               36%               are               over               35.

The               global               statistics               are               not               available.

Twitter               followers:               7,083,608               
               Bruno               Mars               -               www.brunomars.com               There               are               21,498               unique               monthly               visitors               with               no               demographic               breakdown.

Twitter               followers:               611,520
               Ke$ha               -               www.keshasparty.com               There               are               21,498               unique               monthly               visitors               with               no               demographic               breakdown.

Twitter               followers:               1,194,113
               Usher               -               www.ushernow.com               There               are               178,000               unique               monthly               visitors               of               which               58,751               or               33%               are               in               the               US.

53%               are               female,               36%               are               over               35               and               81%are               Caucasian.

Twitter               followers:               1,124,659
               MichaelBublé               -               /www.michaelbuble.com               There               are               38,900               unique               monthly               visitors               of               which               60%               are               female               and               48%               are               over               35.

A               whopping               87%               are               Caucasian.

Twitter               followers:               212,443
               John               Mayer               -               www.johnmayer.com               There               was               no               traffic               data               but               60%               were               female               and               35%               are               over               35.

Twitter               followers:               27,891               
               What               is               interesting               is               that               Adam               Lambert               has               more               fan               site               traffic               than               many               of               the               biggest               names               in               the               music               business.

The               only               one               that               comes               close               to               his               number               is               Usher,               who               is               a               long               established               star.

Adam               Lambert               is               poised               to               be               the               biggest               star               American               Idol               has               ever               produced.

With               the               exception               of               Underwood               Clarkson,               Daughtry               and               possibly               Cook               and               just               maybe               Hudson               the               rest               of               the               top               selling               alumni               appear               to               be               in               decline.

Keep               in               mind               that               this               is               a               very               different               music               industry               and               all               album               sales               are               in               decline.

Not               one               of               the               Idols               has               ever               had               their               debut               album               or               singles               reach               Platinum               or               Gold               status               in               eleven               different               countries               like               Lambert               did.
               It               is               time               for               American               Idol               to               start               bragging               about               their               superstar.

American               idol               should               tell               their               PR               spinners               that               we               know               Lambert               did               not               lose               by               landslide.

If               the               PR               team               wants               to               continue               that               farce               they               should               be               fired.

America               can't               be               fooled.

We               know               Adam               Lambert               is               our               American               Idol               and               soon               to               be               World               Idol.

Embracing               Adam               Lambert               will               bring               back               credibility               to               American               Idol.

It               is               about               time               to               end               the               spin.
               Post               your               comments               and               follow               me               on               Twitter               @KMKolsch
               I               am               still               trying               to               catch               up               with               baby               Riff               Cherry               who               now               has               1,669               followers               and               he               is               just               over               a               week               old.

Come               on               guys!
               Do               not               forget               Operation               Platinum,               check               at               Adamofficial.com
               I               will               soon               write               an               article               about               Adam's               fans               and               their               involvement               in               charity               because               of               him.

Please               contact               me               at               KMKolsch@aol.com               with               your               information.

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