레이블이 Best Information Systems Schools인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Best Information Systems Schools인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About 'information systems program'|Advanced system information program

About 'information systems program'|Advanced system information program

Recently,               Citigroup               was               undergoing               massive               reorganization               due               to               the               competitive               forces               sweeping               the               financial               services               industry.

The               company               was               also               involved               in               ongoing               mergers               and               acquisitions.

During               recent               consolidations               after               merger               activities,               one               of               their               internal               Information               Systems               divisions               had               significant               job               cuts               and               layoffs.

One               large               department               of               150               people               in               this               division               experienced               a               twenty               five               percent               reduction               in               workforce.

Department               management               reorganized               the               remaining               employees               into               a               "work               team"               structure,               and               focused               the               teams               on               key               internal               business               matters.

However,               there               were               serious               performance               concerns.

There               was               very               low               morale               among               the               remaining               employees,               also               known               as               "the               survivors".

Trust               levels               between               staff               and               management               were               very               low,               as               well               as               trust               levels               between               all               staff               employees               -               who               were               a               mix               of               the               original               companies.

Though               they               were               encouraged               to               be               "high               performance               work               teams",               there               was               almost               no               teamwork.

There               were               disorganized               approaches               to               servicing               the               businesses               customers.

The               extremely               high               cost               of               work               management               computers               and               software               also               made               it               very               costly               to               train               employees               on               new               systems.

Due               to               the               layoffs               and               job               cuts,               there               was               fear               and               mistrust               of               management,               and               even               some               co-workers.

A               consulting               company               met               with               department               management               and               the               Chief               Information               Officer.

Using               the               Transformation               Project               approach,               they               designed               the               following               solution               over               a               six-month               period               (Crossman,               2007).
               They               first               encouraged               management               to               organize               a               small               leadership               team,               called               the               "Guidance               Team",               to               help               define               and               guide               the               effort.

Then               they               developed               an               integrated               curriculum               of               Self               Change,               Team               Change,               and               Business               Change               programs,               which               was               delivered               through               a               three               day               program.

This               training               was               to               be               supplemented               by               four               one-day               training               sessions               to               accelerate               the               "turn-around"               process,               both               from               a               human               resources               and               business               operations               point               of               view               (Bohlander,               Snell               2007).
               Management               outlined               the               project's               measurement               system.

This               involved               examining               twelve               key               behavioral               measures               of               individual               and               team               performance,               as               well               as               three               key               business               measures               that               were               considered               important.

The               project               was               to               create               a               reduction               in               software               development               time,               an               increase               in               mainframe               system               up-time               and               an               increase               in               work               team               productivity.

Also,               working               with               the               direction               of               the               "Guidance               Team",               the               consultants               were               to               provide               targeted               coaching               on               an               as-needed               basis               through               the               six-month               period.

It               was               predicted               that               issues               might               arise               like               resolving               deep-seated               conflict               between               key               people,               stress               mastery               and               life               balance               coaching               for               some               employees,               identifying               and               resolving               key               customer               concerns               and               process               improvement               activities               on               two               key               processes.

The               response               was               overwhelmingly               positive,               and               they               implemented               the               balance               of               the               game               plan               in               the               following               six               months               (Crossman,               2007).
               Within               that               time               the               department               experienced               a               dramatic               change               in               performance,               both               internally               and               with               their               business               unit               customers.

They               also               created               a               work               place               "community",               where               people               now               spent               time               together               outside               of               work               on               social               outings               and               projects               like               inner               city               Habitat               for               Humanity               home               reconstructions.
               The               culture               of               the               entire               department               had               begun               to               radically               shift               away               from               "we               are               survivors"               to               "we               can               make               things               happen".

(Lalendle,               2000)
               Over               the               six               month               period               the               behavioral               changes               were               impressive:               76%               increase               in               trust               levels,               32%               -               85%               increases               in               various               measures               of               team               effectiveness               (problem               solving,               team               communication,               risk-taking,               team               accountability,               conflict               resolution,               team               support,               customer               focus)               a               48%               increase               in               open,               honest               communication,               a               75%               increase               in               personal               power               /               ability               to               respond               to               change,               a               68%               increase               in               personal               emotional               mastery,               65%               reduction               in               stress               and               a               75%               increase               in               commitment               to               the               organization               (Lalendle,               2000).
               Also,               because               of               the               low               morale               and               "survivor"               attitudes               that               existed               before               the               project,               they               took               measures               on               the               amount               of               fun               people               were               having               at               work.

This               measure               had               gone               up               82%.

Equally               impressive               were               the               changes               in               business               results.

There               was               a               75%               reduction               in               cycle               time               for               software               development,               an               increase               in               mainframe               system               up-time               from               92%               to               99%               and               a               33%               -               50%               increase               in               work               team               productivity.

All               of               these               were               gains               on               the               precise               performance               issues               affecting               the               department.

Also,               the               department               had               resolved               over               30               quality               and               productivity               issues               affecting               customer               service               levels               in               the               six-month               period.

The               business               unit               customers               were               so               happy               with               these               newly               inspired               employees;               they               awarded               the               department               with               a               company-wide               service               award               Citigroup               is               also               in               the               middle               of               a               major               shift               in               its               approach               to               high-performance               computing,               moving               from               clustered               servers               to               a               large-scale               grid.

They               have               built               a               service-oriented               approach               that               delivers               high-performance               computing               based               on               the               revenue               potential               of               a               job.

Guidance               teams               and               computing               are               two               examples               of               how               the               company               is               trying               to               get               more               efficient               about               how               it               delivers               the               methods               that               have               become               critical               to               the               industry.
               Works               Cited               
               Bohlander,               G               &               Snell,               S               (2007)               Managing               Human               Resources               (14th               ed.)
               Mason               OH:               Thompson               Higher               learning.
               Crossman,               P               (2007)               Wall               Street               &               Technology;               InformationWeek               With               high-               performance               computing               strategic               and               costly,               companies               push               efficiency
               Original               Date               April               16,               2007               Retrieved               March               2,               2009               from               http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/enterpriseapps/showArticle.jhtm
               Lalendle,               L               (2000)               High               Performance               Work               Systems;               Performance               Development               systems.
               Original               date               April               18,               2000               Retrieved               March               1,               2009               from               https://www.msu.edu/~lalendle/HPWS.htm

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    2013년 11월 26일 화요일

    About 'school management information systems'|Global Archives Management Delegation Visit with Renmin University School of Information Resource Management (SIRM)

    About 'school management information systems'|Global Archives Management Delegation Visit with Renmin University School of Information Resource Management (SIRM)

    The               DANTES               Subject               Standardized               Test               (DSST)               exams               are               a               way               for               learners               to               quickly               gain               college               level               credit               for               experienced               and               knowledge               already               gained.

    The               learner               can               take               an               exam               which               may               be               computer               based               or               paper               based,               depending               on               the               test               and               the               testing               center.

    Colleges               have               their               own               acceptance               policy               for               accepting               DSST               exams.

    Some               colleges               only               accept               a               certain               amount               of               credits               from               examinations;               some               will               only               accept               examinations               that               were               taken               while               the               learner               was               enrolled               in               the               college.
                   There               are               some               colleges               that               have               no               limits               on               the               amount               of               credit               received               through               examinations.

    For               instance               Excelsior               University               in               Albany               New               York               and               Thomas               Edison               State               College               of               Trenton               New               Jersey               are               no               residency               colleges               that               accept               100%               credits               from               examinations.

    These               are               fully               regionally               accredited               colleges               that               will               get               you               into               graduate               school.
                   There               are               many               reasons               learners               want               to               take               DSST               exams:
                   1.It               saves               time!

    Learners               can               take               these               exams               with               knowledge               they               might               have               learned               elsewhere,               for               instance               in               High               School.

                   2.It               saves               money!

    DSST               exams               only               cost               $70.

    That               is               much               cheaper               than               most               courses,               even               at               many               community               colleges.

                   3.Satisfy               a               proficiency               requirement!

    How               many               learners               have               questioned               the               need               to               take               a               course               that               they               don't               believe               fits               into               their               college               goals?
                   Here               is               a               brief               list               of               subjects               available               through               DSST               examinations:
                   Business               Law               II               
                   Business               Mathematics               
                   Human               Resource               Management               
                   Introduction               to               Business               
                   Introduction               to               Computing               
                   Management               Information               Systems               
                   Money               and               Banking               
                   Organizational               Behavior               
                   Personal               Finance               
                   Principles               of               Finance               
                   Principles               of               Financial               Accounting               
                   Principles               of               Supervision
                   Ethics               in               America               
                   Introduction               to               World               Religions               
                   Principles               of               Public               Speaking               
                   Applied               Technology               
                   Technical               Writing               
                   Fundamentals               of               College               Algebra
                   Physical               Science:
                   Environment               and               Humanity:               The               Race               to               Save               the               Planet               
                   Here's               to               Your               Health               
                   Physical               Geology               
                   Principles               of               Physical               Science               I               
                   Principles               of               Statistics
                   Social               Sciences:
                   A               History               of               the               Vietnam               War               
                   An               Introduction               to               the               Modern               Middle               East               
                   Art               of               the               Western               World               
                   Western               Europe:               Since               1945               
                   Criminal               Justice               
                   Drug               and               Alcohol               Abuse               
                   Foundations               of               Education               
                   Fundamentals               of               Counseling               
                   General               Anthropology               
                   Human               Cultural               Geography               
                   Introduction               to               Law               Enforcement               
                   Lifespan               Developmental               Psychology               
                   Rise               and               Fall               of               the               Soviet               Union               
                   The               Civil               War               and               Reconstruction
                   There               are               enough               DSST               when               combined               with               CLEP               exams               for               a               learner               to               earn               a               Bachelor's               degree.

    Some               of               the               DSST               exams               offer               upper               level               under               graduate               credit!
                   Taking               DSST               exams               require               discipline.

    It               requires               learners               to               practice               adult               learning               principles               and               self-study.

    Study               aids               are               available               for               free               at               many               different               sites.

    There               are               also               books               available               at               many               book               stores               that               contain               practice               exams.
                   For               more               information               visit:
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      Istilah komputer (computer) berasal dari bahasa Latin computare yang berarti menghitung. Komputer mempunyai arti yang sangat luas dan berbeda untuk orang yang berbeda. Berikut ini definisi komputer yang didapat dari beberapa buku komputer. Menurut buku Computer Annual (Robert H.Blissmer...
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